A Little Bit of September

After pressing our Red Apple Cider, we dumped the mash out in the corner of our property in the woods… looks like we fed a grizzly one night and he left us a present in return! πŸ˜ƒ The good news is that we have not had any sign of him since this photo was taken!!

September 13, 2019

Some more mushrooms! This one is growing on the “Cuervo Tree”!!

September 13, 2019

And this variety gets up to about 8 inches across!

September 13, 2019

We’ve had some Golden Eagles hanging around for the last several weeks – what an amazing bird!! This one let me get right underneath him!

September 22, 2019

This photo is of the last gorgeous Fall colour at Redtail Rise before the late-September snowstorm… a thundershower had moved off to the east and the sun, as it was setting in the west, came out from the clouds.

September 26, 2019

Before the worst of the snowstorm moved in, I picked all of the tomatoes… and the few peppers we had…

September 27, 2019

I was also able to grab the last of the flowers… a double yellow lily, a couple calla lilies and dahlias…

September 27, 2019

And, in came the snow. We ended up getting about 6 inches over the weekend, which wasn’t bad especially compared to south of us… no trees down, no tree limbs broken; but it did wipe out the last of the gardens.

September 27, 2019

Katie says “But, I don’t want to move away from the heat vent!”

September 30, 2019