Road Trip to Elk Creek Fish Pond

At the end of September, we had Charlie for a few days and we decided that a road trip to Elk Creek Fish Pond was in order! And Brooke & Jude were able to join us!

So, we backed the red truck out of the garage, turned it off (hum, why oh why would I bother with this comment? 🤔); then we packed two car seats, two grandkids with Brooke in between them, diaper bags, fishing gear, lunch, chairs, water – everything we needed for the day. Jumped into the truck and… it wouldn’t start! Ugh!!

So, unpacked everything and re-packed the black truck and we were on our way!


Finding rocks to throw …


Throwin’ rocks with G’pa Brian …


Hanging out on the bench …


Jude’s havin’ fun with G’pa Brian! …


A walk around the Pond …


Riding on G’pa Brian’s shoulders! …


And then it was time for lunch! Oh no!!!! We didn’t get everything transferred over from the red truck afterall!! No lunch!! Good thing Charlie had some “nacks” in her “nack bag” (which was in her diaper bag that did make it into the black truck), and Jude had some “nacks” in his “nack bag” too. Ate ’em all! …


Turns out the fob for the red truck needed a new battery. But we didn’t figure that out until we got home! Oh well… it just added to the adventure!