After The Snow Storm!

After nearly two weeks of chinooks, a storm blew in from the north on Saturday (Feb 1st). We were supposed to get an inch or so of snow… well, they sure got THAT forecast wrong! In about four hours we got 8″ of snow!!

On Sunday, we got up to beautiful, blue skies!! Perfect for taking snow photos!! But, dang it, as I waited for it to warm up a smidge, the dang clouds came in! I was able to get a couple photos before I lost the sun completely.

February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020

I strapped on my snowshoes and off I went…

February 2, 2020

Still beautiful blue sky off to the east and northeast!!

February 2, 2020

It was the perfect snow to get caught up in the dogs’ paws! Sundance is almost 12 years old… other than some white around his eyes and muzzle, he’s still young-looking and is in great shape! He still loves to run!!

February 2, 2020

February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020

And then the sun was completely gone! Here are some photos in the woods…

February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020

And wouldn’t ya know it? The blue sky was back and the sun came out several hours later! Brian plowed us out, the ponies were fed and the dogs had a second run!

February 2, 2020