April Merry Making – Part 1

While the hard cider has been carbonating, we finalized the name and created labels … Winter Blues Hard Cider!

April 6, 2020

Not apple though, it’s … Bumbleberry!!

April 6, 2020

Then it was time to prime and bottle the beer …

April 6, 2020

As with the hard cider, we used 22 oz glass bottles… and filled 33 of them! That’s the equivalent of 60 x 12 oz bottles of cerveza!!

April 6, 2020

Then it was into a warm, dark place to carbonate! Here it sits with the hard cider …

April 7, 2020

On to another batch of wine! We are repeating the Pinot Grigio kit, and in mid- to late May we’ll have a taste comparison (brand new to ~ 9 months old).

April 7, 2020

The cerveza gets a name! Corriendo La Tuza Cerveza!! And it gets a label!

April 11, 2020
April 11, 2020

So, what’s the story behind the name? Well, we have these little ground dwelling critters that like to run around on the snow once it warms up a bit. The dogs like to catch them too, but that’s a story for another day!

Running Gopher! In Spanish! Corriendo La Tuza Cerveza! 😆