August Visitors

Sadie is at “Camp Redtail Rise” while Mel & Tyler are on vacation. Normally she doesn’t like to swim, but out here she sure does!

August 5, 2019

And, she LOVES sitting on Brian’s lap, especially when she can also keep an eye on the cat!!!!!!!

August 9, 2019

I found this scat the morning of August 8th…. it had been there maybe a day or so… it’s full of oats and yes, it’s…… Bear!!

August 8, 2019

Brian found a different pile of scat on August 10th, so we decided to pull the photos off of the trail cam. We did indeed have a griz walking up our driveway. These photos were from August 8th at about midnight.

August 8, 2019

He (she?) showed up in this same location in mid-July; and it could very well be the same griz that passed through in May. We are on the look-out for more tracks and scat, and not walking in the woods for now – the side-by-side is the way to go these days!!

And to our surprise, at about 6:30 am August 10th, a “Bachelor Herd” of White Tail Deer were also on our driveway!! This looks to be the same herd we’ve seen in and around our place over the last couple of weeks.

August 10, 2019

And, what do you suppose a bird dog and a herding dog found in the spruce tree outside the living room??? A cat?; a squirrel? No, a ….

August 12, 2019
Katie & Maggy

Ruffed Grouse!!

August 12, 2019
August 12, 2019