Thursday, February 27th – Out to La Grange

We had a beautiful sunny Thursday to drive east of Austin and out to La Grange … to Old World Antieks! Bruce had already discovered it, and that’s how we found out about it. Sadly, no photos, but what an amazing antique store!!!

They bring in, weekly, items from Europe, India, Egypt and Turkey, and sell it in 55,000 sq ft of showroom and warehouse. Amazing doors, furniture, church antiquities… it was just too overwhelming to adequately describe!!

But, alas, nothing much would fit in our suitcases; only one small item will head back to Redtail Rise!

Friday, February 28th – Up to Waco

We went up to Waco to have lunch and a visit with a high school friend of Dad’s… they haven’t seen each other since 1959, but have kept in touch all these years!

We aimed for lunch at Magnolia Table… we arrived at 11:30 am and there was a 2 hour wait for a table, so … we went to the BBQ place next door!

After lunch we went out to Magnolia Market Silos (The Silos) and wandered through their Market.

They had a 1951 Willys at The Silos …. Brian had one for a while 40 years ago, in Edmonton.

February 28, 2020

The Silos themselves are not yet renovated, but plans are in the works. Here, Mom & Dad and Brian are sitting in The Garden, by one of the silos…

February 28, 2020

Saturday, February 29th – Let’s Go To Luckenbach, Texas!

Just not with Waylon and Willie and the boys!! 🙂

Mom and Brian & I headed west to Luckenbach (Dad stayed home for a quiet and restful afternoon). They had an acoustic jam in the afternoon.

The old Post Office/General Store is still there… it’s no longer a Post Office, but it is still a store – the front part and rafters is more museum, with items that had been sold in the distant past, and the rest of the store sells “Luckenbach merchandise”.

The old Dance Hall is still there too! Build in the 1880’s and still being used! There was a concert Saturday night, but it was sold out.

The afternoon jam was out back of the store, under Live Oaks … beer, burgers, dogs, fries and HUGE sour pickles! …

February 29, 2020
February 29, 2020

Over by the creek were some more big ol’ Live Oaks …

February 29, 2020

Sunday, March 1st – Hangin’ in Austin

We spent the afternoon and evening hanging out with Bruce and Connor & Jasmine.

We checked out Connor’s “ride” … 2015 Subaru something. 🙂 He and Bruce have worked on it together and Connor loves it! Brian drove it for a test drive (I squished into the almost non-existant back seat – but hey, if Connor’s friends can do it, so can I!!)

March 1, 2020
March 1, 2020

Then Bruce, Mom & Dad and Brian & I hopped into Bruce’s “ride” and headed to Lakeway (about a 20 min drive from Bruce’s, still apart of Greater Austin). Lakeway is over by Lake Travis.

We went to look at where Bruce’s garage will be built … it will give him a place to work on his cars and meet other car enthusiasts.

We went to the local bar, and these wild periwinkles were growing …

March 1, 2020
March 1, 2020

We were only a few blocks from Lake Travis, so we went down to have a beer and nachos on the lake shore!

Then it was Supper at Bruce’s, so we got to visit more with Connor & Jasmine too!

Monday, March 2nd – Out to San Antonio

Mom & Dad and Brian & I headed out mid-morning to San Antonio… and passed through ….

Kyle, Texas!

March 2, 2020

First stop in San Antonio?… The Alamo!!

March 2nd happens to be Texas Independence Day … on March 2, 1836 settlers in Mexican Texas officially declared independence from Mexico and created the Republic of Texas. Unfortunately, news didn’t reach the Alamo in time and its Texian defenders were wiped out on March 6, 1836.

Because we arrived on the anniversary of the Battle of the Alamo, there were several re-inactments. Here, soldiers are shooting muskets.

March 2, 2020

The Alamo itself was one of the early Spanish missions in Texas, originally known as Mision San Antonio de Valero … it was a mission and fortress compound founded in the early 1700’s by the Catholic Church.

Here, Mom & Dad are standing by one of the original walls … beside a shrub called Peregrina or Spicy Jatropha …

March 2, 2020

A close-up of the Peregrina flowers …

March 2, 2020

In a lovely courtyard, with several bronzes commemorating the soldiers who died in the Battle of the Alamo, was this lovely tree … I think it might be a Wisteria …

March 2, 2020

There was a Texas Independence Day Celebration in front of the Chapel of The Alamo …

March 2, 2020

Then it was off to San Antonio’s River Walk … what an amazing place! Everything at river level, gardens, restaurants, bars, shops … absolutely beautiful, and unique to San Antonio!

Photobomb!!!! …

March 2, 2020
March 2, 2020
March 2, 2020

A little bridge over the river …

March 2, 2020

We took the River Walk Tour …

March 2, 2020
March 2, 2020
March 2, 2020
March 2, 2020

One big ol’ OLD Live Oak Tree …

March 2, 2020

Looking down into the River Walk from street level …

March 2, 2020

Mom & Dad down in the restaurant … you’ll have to look close!

March 2, 2020
March 2, 2020

Supper at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.!!

March 2, 2020

Tuesday, March 3rd – Last Day in Austin

Brian & I spent our last day in Austin snooping in interesting shops on S Congress Ave and at UT Austin, in and near the downtown core.

And we finished our trip with a lovely supper with Bruce and Connor & Jasmine …

March 3, 2020

X-C Skiing at Redtail Rise

We’ve been enjoying the milder weather and new snow! We had 8″ of new snow on Saturday, the 1st and a glorious cross-country ski in the sun on Monday, the 3rd!

The dogs have to dig out their paws… frequently!

February 3, 2020

Out in the pasture…

February 3, 2020
Looking SE
February 3, 2020
Looking NE
February 3, 2020
Looking SW

Getting the doggies organized… well trying to, with two of them!

February 3, 2020

Sundance and Aengus…

February 3, 2020

Panorama from the NE corner of our Quarter…

February 3, 2020

In the woods…

February 3, 2020
February 3, 2020

After The Snow Storm!

After nearly two weeks of chinooks, a storm blew in from the north on Saturday (Feb 1st). We were supposed to get an inch or so of snow… well, they sure got THAT forecast wrong! In about four hours we got 8″ of snow!!

On Sunday, we got up to beautiful, blue skies!! Perfect for taking snow photos!! But, dang it, as I waited for it to warm up a smidge, the dang clouds came in! I was able to get a couple photos before I lost the sun completely.

February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020

I strapped on my snowshoes and off I went…

February 2, 2020

Still beautiful blue sky off to the east and northeast!!

February 2, 2020

It was the perfect snow to get caught up in the dogs’ paws! Sundance is almost 12 years old… other than some white around his eyes and muzzle, he’s still young-looking and is in great shape! He still loves to run!!

February 2, 2020

February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020

And then the sun was completely gone! Here are some photos in the woods…

February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020
February 2, 2020

And wouldn’t ya know it? The blue sky was back and the sun came out several hours later! Brian plowed us out, the ponies were fed and the dogs had a second run!

February 2, 2020

Continued Winter Merry Making

On the last day of January, we continued on with our “Merry Making”!

The Gewurztraminer (Guh-voorts-truh-meener) was finished fermenting, so we racked it into a carboy. The Wine and the Mead went downstairs for clearing (if you look closely, you can already see sediment is dropping out onto the bottom of the carboy) and for aging …

February 1, 2020

We’ll bottle the Gewurztraminer in early-mid March — it will be ready to drink in July. We’ll bottle the Mead in mid-April. The taste-tests will have to wait a while yet!!

We brought in (from our storage shed) another shelving unit from Mom & Dad – Wow! what great shelves!! Thanks Mom & Dad!! We rearranged our creations and equipment, making room for next creations to come!

February 1, 2020

Speaking of “next creations”… we started our “Sangria” for the Summer! This Pomegranate Wildberry Wave will make a great base for Sangria… we’ll just add a wee bit of citrus, possibly some soda water, and ice cubes!!

February 1, 2020

The “Sangria” will be racked mid-February and bottled along side the Gewurztraminer in early-mid March.

Chinooks & Sunsets

We’ve had a lovely week, full of chinook arches and temperatures above 0°C (32°F). Even a couple nights stayed above freezing! After a long, cold blast, it has been very welcome! It has been wonderful to get out to walk with the dogs this week!

Here are some photos from yesterday’s walk, at about 4:35 pm:

January 24, 2020
January 24, 2020
January 24, 2020

And the sun going down, just peaking out below the chinook arch, at about 4:55 pm

January 24, 2020

The arch passed over us sometime after we went to bed, and we woke up to a beautiful, sunny morning with lots of blue sky! Gotta love chinooks in the dead of Winter!!