Merry In The Making

We spent a cold, Saturday afternoon “Making Merry”!!

First up… our Red Ball Sangiovese was ready to be bottled. Why Red Ball, you ask? Well, when we were checking the Specific Gravity one day (so the lid was off), we bumped the Birch Tree and knocked a red Christmas ball into the wine! 😬 Oops! But, a name was born! 😃

What we learned when we started this wine is that Sangiovese is the main grape in Chianti! Chianti is one of my favorite wines!! 🍷🍷

First step was to re-rack it. Then we filtered it. Here’s Brian just as the filtering is getting going …

January 18, 2020

Had to have a wee sample! WOW! What a great wine!! …

January 18, 2020

A little over half-way …

January 18, 2020

Then we bottled it! … almost 23 L ( ≈ 30 x 750 ml bottles)

January 18, 2020

Next, we racked the as-of-yet-unnamed Mead into a carboy for aging …

January 18, 2020

Then we started a new wine!! This time a German Gewurztraminer (pronounced “Guh-voorts-truh-meener” … yes, we had to look up how to pronounce it! 😃

Both the Mead and the Gewurztraminer are in the Office, one aging and one fermenting.

January 18, 2020

As the Mead ages, the solids will drop out and it will clear. We’ll move it downstairs this coming week. In a couple months, we’ll re-rack, filter and bottle. And come up with a name!! 😃

January 18, 2020

The Gewurztraminer will ferment for about two weeks in the Office; then we’ll rack it and let it stabilize and clear for a few weeks, and… come up with a name! 😃

January 18, 2020

And finally, we labeled the Red Ball Sangiovese …

January 18, 2020

I also created new “Redtail Rise Kitchen Fixin’s” labels! Liking this version much better!

January 18, 2020

And, downstairs they go! …

January 18, 2020

Doggies at Christmas

(December 2019)

Here are a few more photos of our doggies at Christmas!

Aengus …


Katie …


Aengus …


Her new name is: Katie Won’t Look At the Camera! 😂 With Brian and Mom in the background …


Maggy (front) and Sundance (back) …


Christmas at Redtail Rise

We celebrated “Our Christmas” a wee bit early — we had almost everyone there, plus Mom & Dad came too! A grand time was had by all!!

“Our Christmas Eve” was Saturday, December 21st… Fondue and Chocolate Fondue for Supper!!!

“Our Christmas Day” was Sunday, 22nd … big Breakfast with cinnamon buns, a Wiener Roast for Lunch, and a big Turkey Supper!!

There was a wee bit of new snow first thing in the morning on the 22nd, then the sun came out! …

December 22, 2019

Billi, Bailey and Brooke …

December 22, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

Dad… complete in his Night Cap! …

December 22, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!


December 22, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

Brian and Dad …

December 22, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

The 23rd was a quiet day, and one for bundling up and enjoying the view outside!

Mom, in her new favorite spot! …

December 23, 2019
One of Dad’s pics!

Our Tree …

December 23, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

Mom got in lots of dog snuggles! Aengus loves laying on the legs of whoever sits here – I think it’s his favorite spot too! 😃 …

December 23, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

Brian & I went out and ran the dogs and fed the ponies, Mom watched from her favorite spot! …

December 23, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

Christmas Eve (December 24th) – the table is all ready for our Lobster Supper!!

December 24, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

On Christmas Day, we headed out again on the snowmobile! And Mom came along too!

Me …

December 25, 2019

Brian, Aengus and Mom …

December 25, 2019

Mom, Me and Aengus …

December 25, 2019

Mom, Sundance and Me …

December 25, 2019

Mom, Katie and Me. We even got Katie to sorta look at the camera!! 😃 …

December 25, 2019

The Stockings were hung …

December 25, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

“Tree Day” 2019

Our annual “Tree Day” has come and gone (hum… and so has the Christmas Season… I’m a wee bit tardy getting these up! 😃 ).

We had a grand time with friends, and this year with some family too! We headed out west of our place a few miles and had a bonfire and a wiener roast and mulled wine (our version of Glühwein!!! 😂). Those who wanted to got a tree. Then we went back to our place and had a Potluck Supper. We ended the evening with Christmas stories.

Here are some photos from “Out West” of our place…

We enjoyed Mulled Wine and EggNog! And Hot Chocolate and Hot Dogs and Smokies and treats and visiting and laughs!!

December 14, 2019
left to right: Gerry, Gregor, Brooke, Al, Jerry, Linda, Me, Barbara
December 14, 2019
left to right: Kyle, Linda, Brooke
December 14, 2019
left to right: Brian, Gregor, Jerry
December 14, 2019
left to right: Linda, Brooke, Barbara, Cecil

We set up the camera on the tripod for a group shot!

December 14, 2019
Back, left to right: Al, Linda, Gerry, Brian, Kyle, Jerry, Gregor
Front, left to right: Me, Brooke, Barbara, Cecil

Dang it, the battery died after ONE photo! 😕

December 14, 2019
Back, left to right: Al, Linda, Gerry, Brian, Kyle, Jerry, Gregor
Front, left to right: Brooke, Barbara, Cecil

Brooke to the rescue – she takes the best selfies!! 😃 And got us another complete group shot! 😃

December 14, 2019
Back, left to right: Al, Linda, Gerry, Brian, Kyle, Jerry, Gregor
Front, left to right: Me, Barbara, Cecil
Way Up Front: Brooke

Remembering Ruhpolding

I’ve been reminiscing this week about our trip to Ruhpolding (Germany), since it is a year ago this week that we were there. I wish we were there now, cheering on Scott and Christian and Emma, and the rest of the Canadian Team! But, I enjoyed the next best thing….

Coffee in Ruhpolding! 🤣

January 14, 2020

And, we couldn’t possibly do without our Glühwein in Ruhpolding!!! 😂

January 14, 2020
January 14, 2020
January 14, 2020

If you want to reminisce along with me, our Europe photos from January 2019 are under “Further-A-Field”!

This F&L Has Left Us Floored – Part 4

The Main Floor fir & larch is all in, the three rooms are all cleaned, and all done just in time for Christmas!!

The Guest Bedroom…

December 5, 2019

Here’s a panorama of the Guest Bedroom… quite distorted, but it gives a bit of idea of the entire room…

December 5, 2019

Our Bedroom…

December 5, 2019
December 5, 2019

This panorama worked out better…

December 5, 2019

The Office…

This first photo also shows one of the new shelves Brian made, above the antique doors to the Office. It’s also from our Blue Pine Slab. This one has the live edge. More photos of our new shelves to come!

December 5, 2019
December 5, 2019

Looking back out to the Living Room…

December 5, 2019
December 5, 2019
December 5, 2019

Sometime in the first half of 2020, when we have a stretch of good weather … we do all of the sawing outside … we’ll tackle the Loft.

Gram’s Quilts

While we were working on the flooring, Brian created new shelves for us. He used a big blue pine slab, and cut it into several shelves. (We were going to use this slab for a sliding door, but shelves were calling to us instead!! 😃 )

One of the shelves went into the Guest Bedroom Closet.

Brian cut it to size, and sanded it and sanded it and sanded it some more! He attached the shelf to the wall using black painted piping and flanges…

November 11, 2019

And, why would we put a shelf in the closet? Well, the closet isn’t used for clothes, so we decided to display my Gram’s quilts!

December 3, 2019

My Gram made six of these quilts (and the matching pillow up on the shelf); one quilt was made by my Nana (my great-grandmother)…

December 3, 2019

Brian made a “Quilt Ladder”… he used an old pulley (about 12” in diameter) and some old rope, and he made the rungs from cedar “hobby wood” we had…

December 3, 2019
December 3, 2019

I LOVE how it turned out!! Brian did an AMAZING job!!

As for the other shelves from our Blue Pine Slab? … You’ll have to wait and see… I’m sure they’ll turn up in another Post soon!!

This F&L Has Left Us Floored! – Part 3

Before November ended, the Office got the final F&L Treatment (Fir and Larch Flooring, that is) for 2019! We filled up the Living Room, Dining Room and Guest Bedroom with all of the Office furniture… and the fish tank moved too!!

Out came the carpet and the underlay…

November 13, 2019

The Office was an outdoor deck in its previous life, and when it was first enclosed a few small gaps to the outside world were left; so we filled ’em up with spray foam insulation!

November 13, 2019

One thing we did differently in the Office was we put down some rubber-backed underlay/vapor barrier. We had some left from when the hickory floor went in and thought it would be best used in the Office. Then in went the fir & larch!

November 14, 2019

Then… belt sand, stain, palm sand, epoxy. We improved our technique with the epoxy and only needed a wee bit of palm sanding once the epoxy dried.

We topped ‘er all off with three coats of polyurethane. While it was curing we washed the walls, the windows and dusted everything.

November 26, 2019

Stay tuned for the grand finale!! You won’t have to wait long!!

This F&L Has Left Us Floored! – Part 2

Our Bedroom was the next to get its new floor! All the furniture was moved out. And that carpet and underlay is gonzo!

October 29, 2019

And where did we sleep, you ask?? Well…..

Into the Living Room we went!! 😃 It totally weirded out the dogs!! 😂 To say nothing of weirding out us!! 🤣

October 29, 2019

All the wood in… same pattern as in the Guest Bedroom (8″, 6″, 4″, 8″, 6″, 4″, … ). In the Guest Bedroom, Brian used the palm sander prior to staining. In Our Bedroom, he used the belt sander prior to staining.

November 1, 2019

In the Guest Bedroom, we used “stainable” wood filler in the cracks and knot holes, then stained the wood. We weren’t thrilled with the results, so this time we tried epoxy after staining.

November 2, 2019

The epoxy has tiny bubbles, but a blast from the torch removes them!

November 2, 2019

After staining and epoxying, Brian sanded with the palm sander. Giving the wood a second sanding made a difference in how smooth the floor is, but didn’t take away any character!

And the epoxy??? Well, that created more work for us. We heated, scraped and re-sanded to get the excess off. But the result turned out better than using the wood filler!!

Then, three coats of polyurethane; while it was curing we washed and Liquid-Gold’ed the walls and dusted/washed everything down.

November 6, 2019

Here’s another attempt at a panorama of the room:

November 6, 2019

Stay tuned for the final result!!

And, on to the Office we go!!

This F&L Has Left Us Floored! – Part 1

We started laying our Circle-Sawn, Fir & Larch hardwood floor in the Guest Bedroom!

We moved out the furniture, Brian’s taking out the door, only the carpet left to go!

October 17, 2019

Carpet and underlay are gone, gone, gone. And so are all the carpet nail strips and staples! I tried a “panorama” shot — it gives an odd, contorted look to the room:

October 17, 2019

Hardwood going in! Brian is having a chat and, look close, a nip of Redtail Rise Mead, while chatting with Bailey!!

October 18, 2019

Tis all in!

October 19, 2019

Here’s a close-up of the wood: 8″, 6″, 4″, 8″, 6″, 4″… With some beautiful knots!!

October 19, 2019

Sanding and staining!

October 21, 2019

All stained! It’s a bit darker than we anticipated, but this stain really shows the character of the wood!!

October 22, 2019

Then three coats of a polyurethane top coat!

Here’s a close-up:

October 24, 2019

Here, walls are washed and “Liquid Gold’ed”, and the floor is curing for a week.

October 25, 2019

The F&L turned out absolutely gorgeous!!!! We couldn’t be more pleased with the end result!!

The furniture is slowing making it’s way back in to the room. Stay tuned for photos of the final result!!! In the meantime… on to our bedroom!