Thursday, October 10th – The Drive Down

What a gorgeous drive down! Not a cloud in the sky! We went down Hwy 22, over to Pincher Creek and down Hwy 6. A bit south of Twin Butte, there is an overlook with fantastic views to the mountains!! At the end of September, this area was absolutely dumped on in a Fall snowstorm… our roads were great, but there was still lots of snow in the fields!! This first photo is looking south towards the Waterton National Park entrance and town of Waterton:

This photo is looking southeast towards Chief Mountain:

And this is looking southwest:

After leaving this overlook, we headed to Hwy 5 to Cardston, and down Hwy 2 to the Border. Then we used “The Duck Lake Road” and went around the south end of Glacier National Park and into Whitefish. The snow disappeared after crossing over Marias Pass (the Continental Divide), and we didn’t see it again until on our way home!

(With all the snow at the end of September, Going To The Sun Road through Glacier was closed at the top, at Logan Pass, and for several miles down each side.)

Saturday, October 12th – A Drive to Glacier

Saturday was another glorious day, cool but gorgeous!! We drove out to Glacier and stopped at the SW end of McDonald Lake. These first few photos are looking SW down Lake McDonald from Fish Creek Campground:


We had a picnic lunch, including a wee bit of the red stuff! 🍷🍷

Brian, Len & Trudy

This photo is looking NE up Lake McDonald towards Glacier’s peaks:

Then we went over to McDonald Creek, near where it comes out of the Lake and near Apgar Village:

We took Camas Road to the north, to where it joined N Fork Road at the North Fork Flathead River:

Looking back to the east at the peaks in Glacier

Checkin’ for fish in the North Fork!

From here, we went south along the North Fork, and into the north side of Columbia Falls!

Sunday, October 13th – A Drive Around Flathead Lake

On Sunday we decided to take a drive all the way around Flathead Lake. We went down the east side to Polson, and then back north on the west side. We had more and more blue sky as we headed south… again, it was a beautiful day!

We stopped at Yellow Bay, at the Flathead Lake State Park there. These next two photos are looking SW down Flathead Lake:

Trudy & Brian

Then we drove out Finley Point … none of us had been out to Finley Point before – it was well-worth the drive!!

Looking NW up Flathead Lake, through The Narrows with Bull Island on the left and Finley Point on the right.

And by the time we got to the Flathead Lake State Park on Finley Point, it was time for another picnic lunch! And some more… 🍷🍷 😆

Brian and I had never been up Blacktail Mountain, so up we went! Here are some photos from near the top:

Looking SE back to Flathead Lake
Looking east towards the Swan Range
Looking SW

Unfortunately we couldn’t get all the way to the Blacktail Ski Area… it is still closed until the Ski Season starts.

A Little Bit of September

After pressing our Red Apple Cider, we dumped the mash out in the corner of our property in the woods… looks like we fed a grizzly one night and he left us a present in return! 😃 The good news is that we have not had any sign of him since this photo was taken!!

September 13, 2019

Some more mushrooms! This one is growing on the “Cuervo Tree”!!

September 13, 2019

And this variety gets up to about 8 inches across!

September 13, 2019

We’ve had some Golden Eagles hanging around for the last several weeks – what an amazing bird!! This one let me get right underneath him!

September 22, 2019

This photo is of the last gorgeous Fall colour at Redtail Rise before the late-September snowstorm… a thundershower had moved off to the east and the sun, as it was setting in the west, came out from the clouds.

September 26, 2019

Before the worst of the snowstorm moved in, I picked all of the tomatoes… and the few peppers we had…

September 27, 2019

I was also able to grab the last of the flowers… a double yellow lily, a couple calla lilies and dahlias…

September 27, 2019

And, in came the snow. We ended up getting about 6 inches over the weekend, which wasn’t bad especially compared to south of us… no trees down, no tree limbs broken; but it did wipe out the last of the gardens.

September 27, 2019

Katie says “But, I don’t want to move away from the heat vent!”

September 30, 2019

Remembering August – Part 2

Annuals, perennials, and wild flowers…

August 15, 2019

Swimmin’, swimmin’, swimmin’…

August 21, 2019

Golden eagle…

August 21, 2019

The Young’un and The Old’un…

August 21, 2019
Aengus & Maggy

“I know there’s a gopher in here!”

August 21, 2019

“Nope Katie, you can’t come in MY hole!”

August 21, 2019
Aengus & Katie

“Just a little further…”

August 21, 2019

Remembering August – Part 1

Fall is well underway, and we’ve now had our first snowfall, so it’s time to look at… Summer photos!! 😃

One of the fun benefits of taking photos of the wild flowers over the last couple of years is that I am learning the names of our wild flowers; well, most of them anyways! 😆

Wild Yarrow:

August 8, 2019

The Showy Wood-Asters (Purple Asters) were incredible this year… plentiful and vibrant and beautiful and long-lasting!!

August 8, 2019
August 8, 2019
August 8, 2019
August 8, 2019

Hairy Hedge-Nettle:

August 8, 2019

Wow, the mushrooms this year!! They were incredible – the shear numbers of them and the number of varieties! It must have been perfect growing conditions for them this Summer. I’m not sure the names of any of them, but I’m assuming they are all poisonous! 😬

August 8, 2019

And this little one, I STILL haven’t figured out this one’s name… maybe next year!

August 8, 2019

And, a pencil-line red-trimmed yellow lily from the garden!

August 8, 2019

Storm’s a-brewin’!

August 8, 2019

Mark’s 60th!!

We were privileged to host the “Gow Family” for Mark’s 60th over the August Long Weekend!! Here are some of the group shots…

The five Gows…

August 3, 2019
Photo Courtesy of Trudy

Siblings… with the “Birthday Boy” in the middle!

August 3, 2019
Photo courtesy of Trudy

Grandparents and grandkids….

August 4, 2019
August 4, 2019
August 4, 2019
August 4, 2019

The Sunday crew…

August 4, 2019

Red Apple Cider

We put Brian’s Apple Press to work and pressed our own Apple Cider! The “Red Apple Tree” has sweeter apples than our “Green Apple Trees”…

Pickin’ da apples…

September 11, 2019

Cuttin’ da apples…

September 11, 2019

Bashin’ da apples…

September 11, 2019

Pressin’ da apples…

September 11, 2019

Yum… fresh apple cider!

September 11, 2019

Jarred for sharing with friends and drinkin’ soon; bagged for the freezer for sharing and enjoying later…

September 11, 2019

Wow! That’s a “hit”!! No comparison to store-bought apple juice (which I don’t really care for too much). This was definitely worth the effort! We got almost 10 L, using most of the apples from the Red Apple Tree!!

Next, we’ll try Crabapple Cider!!!