Robins at Redtail Rise

Last Fall, the robins were here by the dozens, chowing down on our apples. They ate them all! And, maybe even got a bit “punch-drunk” on them – seems the apples turned to cider on the trees (fermented a bit). 🤣

From September 2018

Limestone Mountain

Alpine Wildflowers up on Limestone Mountain

From July 2018

And we saw this mama and her babies (yearlings) along The Trunk Road, while driving out from Limestone —- it was pretty exciting to see them!!

From July 2018

Wildflowers & Garden Flowers at Redtail Rise

Wild flowers at Redtail Rise… the Wild Roses were spectacular in 2018! Lots of Tall Bluebells too! And Bunchberry, Wild Strawberry, and one I don’t know the name of.

From June 2018

The Wood Lilies and Paintbrush were the next to bloom! And the tiny purple one is Blue-Eyed Grass.

From June 2018

Garden flowers were blooming too! A Single Peony that goes from pink to white, and a Bearded Iris.

From June 2018

And, garden roses!

From June 2018