Charlie’s 1st Halloween

October 2020

We were blessed to be able to spend part of our afternoon with Charlie on her first Halloween! Thanks to Billi & Jay for coming and bringing Charlie to share in this “first”!!

Always a wee cry when G’pa’s holding her! Must be all that hair! 😄 …

October 31, 2020

Until there’s a bottle …

October 31, 2020

Little Miss Pineapple snuggling with her mom! …

October 31, 2020

And her dad! …

October 31, 2020

“The P Family”!! Pepper, Pickle, Pineapple and Pumpkin! …

October 31, 2020
October 31, 2020

Pumpkin (aka Hyde) …

October 31, 2020

And what did we do as the evening approached? Brian, Skinny and Rover posed for a photo …

October 31, 2020

Then we were off to friends’ for supper!

October 31, 2020
Photo courtesy Linda Longhurst

Ya Ha Tinda

Ya Ha Tinda is one of the most special places… and we’re fortunate to live so close! We missed going out last year, so made sure we went this year! We were a couple days late for catching the Fall colours, but it was still a beautiful Fall day!!

Our first stop was up near the Ranch House… as near as we could get! A panorama looking to the west …

October 8, 2020

Looking east …

October 8, 2020

Looking north …

October 8, 2020

Then we walked up to the base of Bighorn Falls …

October 8, 2020
October 8, 2020
October 8, 2020

We’re looking forward to going back this Winter on a nice chinook day!

July Merry Making

The Merry Making continues! In July we finished up the Shiraz. Here, Brian is grabbing some wine in the wine thief to check the specific gravity …

July 13, 2020

Filtering …

July 13, 2020

Bottling …

July 13, 2020

Tasting … YUM!! …

July 13, 2020

Sundance’s Shiraz!!!

July 13, 2020

Harley Rides Out West

We went on several rides out west on David Thompson Highway (Hwy 11), and snapped a few shots on a couple of the rides. We had beautiful days to ride on both of these days!

September 4th

On September 4th, we went all the way up to the Columbia Icefields. And we stopped for a bite of lunch in a picnic area along the North Saskatchewan River …

September 4, 2020

Looking back east from our lunch spot …

September 4, 2020

We stopped at the overlook just above where the N. Sask. River comes out of the valley and joins the highway. It wasn’t packed with people and cars, and we could get a spot to stop! …

September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020

October 2nd

On October 2nd, we went as far as the Banff Park Gates, then turned around. We stopped at Windy Point Overlook on the way up.

Abraham Lake, looking west towards Mount Michener …

October 2, 2020

A panoramic shot looking south… east on the left, west on the right …

October 2, 2020

Limestone Mountain

After not making out to Limestone Mountain in 2019, we went twice in 2020 … once to see the wild flowers in bloom, then again to see the Fall colours! It was spectacular both times! What an amazing part of the world!!

Wild Flowers in Early July

First stop, along Wilson Creek …

July 10, 2020

A wee bit of fishing! …

July 10, 2020

And then up to the top of Limestone! You can see for miles and miles and miles!!

Looking NW …

July 10, 2020

Looking SW …

July 10, 2020

Wild flowers …

July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020

Looking West …

July 10, 2020

Nap time! Gregor, having a nap in the sun! We’re looking NE over-top of Gregor …

July 10, 2020

A couple panoramas … South on the left to West on the right …

July 10, 2020

West on the left to NNW on the right …

July 10, 2020

Fall Colour in Late September

Our first stop was along James River. Here’s Linda, near “the campsite” built along the river …

September 29, 2020

Looking for fish …

September 29, 2020

“Gregor, the fish go this way!” …

September 29, 2020
September 29, 2020

Next stop at a ridge to look at Fall colours in the Foothills! Looking West …

September 29, 2020
September 29, 2020

Looking East …

September 29, 2020

Looking Southeast …

September 29, 2020

A weather system coming in from the east …

September 29, 2020

But still spectacular on the top of Limestone and west. Looking NW …

September 29, 2020

Looking NW

September 29, 2020

And then that weather from the east socked in at the top of Limestone. The temperature dropped a few degrees, but we still had a great lunch and visit with friends!

Wild horses …

September 29, 2020

Remembering Summer

Summer seems a while ago, especially since there’s snow on the ground in mid-October. But, it was a glorious Summer, and one to remember!!

Paintbrush …

July 2, 2020

On the left, an adult male Evening Grosbeak with his youngun’ and some Pine Siskins; on the right, a couple of male American Goldfinch …

July 22, 2020

An Evening Grosbeak feeding his youngun’! …

July 22, 2020

A young Evening Grosbeak …

July 22, 2020

Ahhhhh, Sunflowers! This one was planted by the birds! 😃

August 18, 2020

The first vine ripened tomato! …

August 19, 2020

Beautiful begonias! …

August 19, 2020

Sunrise at Redtail Rise! …

August 20, 2020
August 20, 2020

Potted sunflowers! …

August 27, 2020

The Petunias in this bed were spectacular this year! …

August 27, 2020

First harvest of tomatoes …

August 30, 2020

Havin’ a snooze, waitin’ for the quad to move! The don’t want it to get away without them!

September 1, 2020

Snugglin’! …

September 1, 2020

Taking down a dead ol’ Aspen …

September 8, 2020

Fishin’ at Burntstick Lake

We had a beautiful afternoon of fishin’ down at Burntstick Lake! Maggy insisted on coming – she even hid in the lifejackets in the truck so we couldn’t grab her to get her out! 🤣 And she did just great in the boat, lovin’ hangin’ with Brian!!!

June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020

Looking SW …

June 22, 2020

Off in the distance we saw something in the water! This deer swam all the way across the lake! …

June 22, 2020

Looking SW …

A loon on the lake! …

June 22, 2020

Got one! … Northern Pike!

June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020

Remembering June

Wow, 4 months ago! It was a month of flowering, greening, leafing out, sun and rain!

Aengus and especially Katie love to swim in the pond! …

June 1, 2020

Wild clematis …

June 1 & 6, 2020

Thunderstorm! Looking NW …

June 6, 2020

Looking W …

June 6, 2020

Trees and shrubs in bloom! May Day …

June 6, 2020

White Flowering Plum …

June 6, 2020

Pink Flowering Plum …

June 6, 2020

Apple Trees …

June 6, 2020

Looking for birds … or maybe mice! 😆

June 6, 2020

Wild flowers in bloom … top, left to right: arnica, tall bluebells, wild strawberry; bottom – hum… I’m not sure of the names of these two! …

June 6 & 13, 2020

And a wild shrub – not sure what this one is either …

June 8, 2020

Gold Finch in the feeder …

June 12, 2020

Birds in the woods and pasture … top: mallards; bottom right: sandpiper, and I’m not sure what this little ducking is on the bottom left …

June 6 & 18, 2020

Katie will go into any body of water she can find! She loves to swim, and is just wishing she could in this puddle! And… doggies in the kitchen! …

June 14 & 15, 2020

Irises …

June 19 & 22, 2020

Some lilacs made it into the house …

June 20, 2020

Brooke & Kyle Get Married!

We had a beautiful day for Brooke and Kyle’s Wedding!! They did a terrific job planning and organizing and executing! It was a wonderful Wedding!!

The Wedding was at Brooke’s grandparents’, south of Caroline. The trees had started to change to their Fall colors in the week before the Wedding!

September 19, 2020

Bridesmaids… Bailey and Billi!

September 19, 2020

The Bride and Groom ….

September 19, 2020

Walking down the aisle, giving her away, marrying her! Yes, Brian had the joy and privilege of marrying Brooke & Kyle …

September 19, 2020
September 19, 2020

“You may kiss the Bride”! …

September 19, 2020

Mr. & Mrs. Kyle & Brooke Irvine! …

September 19, 2020

A gorgeous Bride, inside and out, in a beautiful dress! …

September 19, 2020
September 19, 2020

Brian with his mom and brothers, Brad and Wayne …

September 19, 2020
Brad, Brian, Jean, Wayne

Brian having fun with his brothers! …

September 19, 2020
Wayne, Brad, Brian
September 19, 2020

Looking across the lake …

September 19, 2020

… to where several photos were taken by their photographer…

September 19, 2020

June Merry Making

June was a busy month for Merry Making… fermenting, racking, clearing & stabilizing, filtering, bottling; and for the cider, fermenting, priming and bottling!!

Here, Brian is racking our new hard cider into a carboy… this step removes some of the sediment from the first week of fermenting. It continued to ferment in the carboy for another 10 days…

June 2, 2020

Two new “flavors”! … the Pinot Noir was racked, stabilized & cleared, then sent to the basement for about 3 weeks; and the Shiraz was started …

June 6, 2020

The hard cider was primed and bottled! Priming means adding some dextrose (fine sugar) … there is still a bit of active yeast at this point, so the yeast eats the sugars and gives off CO2 which is captured because of the bottle cap; thus carbonating the cider in the bottle! And the name, you ask? You’ll have to wait until the end of the month (below!)😆

June 12, 2020

Next … the Sangiovese was re-racked, filtered, bottled and labeled … Scarlett’s Sangiovese!!! It turned out fabulous!!

June 14, 2020

And the Sauvignon Blanc was started!! …

June 14, 2020

Started back in mid-January, our Snow Eater Gerwurztraminer was FINALLY ready to drink!! The instructions in this kit said to wait 3-4 months after bottling before drinking… and we followed the instructions! 😬 Barb & Gregor joined us for our Taste-Testing!! Another GREAT wine!! This white is a little sweeter, so it makes a nice afternoon wine!

June 19, 2020

And in no time at all, we racked the Shiraz! And added the stabilizing & clearing packets; and downstairs it went for 3 weeks!

June 21, 2020

And the last of our kits, but not really the last, we started the Zinfandel … with Brooke’s help!! Mixing it up, checking the temperature (and checking Brooke’s temp too! 😆), then adding the yeast!

June 21, 2020

The Pinot Noir … Pucacho’s Pinot Noir … was re-racked, filtered and bottled! … with Brooke’s help!!

June 28, 2020

And the Sauvignon Blanc was racked, stabilized and cleared; then moved to the basement for 3 weeks.

June 28, 2020

And… the new hard cider gets a name! Burnt Legs Hard Cider! Someone got a wee bit of a sunburn on Beaver Lake earlier in June! 😆

June 28, 2020

Thanks for all your help Brooke!!!! It was fun to Merry Make with you!!

June 28, 2020