Baldy Rescue

What an experience!! … we were able to help rescue a bald eagle!!

While we were out running the dogs on Friday (April 9th), we saw a bald eagle on the ground across the fence in our neighbors’ trees… we were only about 20 ft away, and he didn’t fly away – highly unusual and Brian immediately knew he was not well! We called Medicine River Wildlife Centre and they came to get him! While we were waiting for rescuers Carol & Grant, I was able to take some photos! Very exciting to be so close to a baldy!!

April 9, 2021
April 9, 2021
April 9, 2021

Quite the talons! …

April 9, 2021
April 9, 2021

The rescuers arrived… Grant got close and “our” baldy had one last blast of energy to fly a bit aways, but, ultimately, he was caught!

April 9, 2021

Then he got a quad ride back to the house…

April 9, 2021
April 9, 2021

And, yes, a male (his smaller size convinced Carol & Grant), at least 5 years old (fully white head and tail, indicating maturity). Carol treated him with some meds and fluids. Then they took him to their Wildlife Centre, and are working to nurse him back to health. Given his very weakened state, Carol felt he had a 50-50 chance of making it!

One last photo … “our” baldy, “White Walker Style”😃 …

April 9, 2021

Update Sunday Evening (April 11th) from Carol at Medicine River: “Our” Baldy is hanging in so far! He’s eaten 5 little trout on his own and he’s being treated for infection and internal bleeding, along with tube feeding. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for him!

Update Friday, April 16th Mid-Day from Carol: “He’s now eating completely on his own and has gained over 1 pound. Looking good.”

We’re thrilled that “our” baldy is heading in the right direction! Thank you to Carol and all who help her and the animals at Medicine River Wildlife Centre!!

6 Replies to “Baldy Rescue”

  1. Wow. That is an awesome story. Glad you came across him and were able to get help. So interesting.

    1. Thanks Lori! And, yes, it was very exciting and special to be a part of his rescue!!

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