
Now that we’re well into May, lots of birds are around!! Some have been here all Winter, and some are arriving back to stay until Fall. Some even just passed through, only spending a couple days here.

Here is the Dark-Eyed Junco …

April 13, 2020

And the White-Throated Sparrow …

May 11, 2020

Last week, this juvenile Cooper’s Hawk was in our front flower bed. When I startled him while closing the front window, he went to a nearby spruce tree, and was kind enough to hang around until I got my camera and snapped some photos of him!Ā šŸ˜ƒ

May 15, 2020
May 15, 2020

Here’s a male Tree Swallow, and in the right photo, under the crescent moon …

May 16, 2020

Male & female Tree Swallows up on a wire!

May 16, 2020

The Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks are back! The male gives the name, the female has quite a soft yellow on the breast. This is the first year we’ve known who she is!

May 18 & 19, 2020
May 19, 2020

A female Downy Woodpecker is checking out a male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak! Well, maybe she’s protecting her suet! šŸ˜ƒ

May 19, 2020

The Blue Jays have been around all Winter …

May 19, 2020

Here’s a new one for us, although I suspect they’ve been around and we just didn’t notice them or know their name … a Chipping Sparrow! This one was sitting outside the Living Room bay window, and was content to stay around while I took his photo!

May 20, 2020