Blown In The Wind January 19, 2021

We went out west… choosing the warmest day of the week (+6C), but … a chinook was coming in and it was WIN-DEEEEE!!!! Gusts up to 100 km/h!! We stayed as sheltered as we could all day!

First stop… Crescent Falls

Here’s Mt. Michener from near the top of Crescent Falls.

January 19, 2021

Mountains off to the west of the Falls…

January 19, 2021

Just upstream of the Falls, this little (unnamed) creek flows from the right side of the photo to the left and into the Bighorn River … and floods out to the west …

January 19, 2021

Crescent Falls …

January 19, 2021

More mountains to the west …

January 19, 2021

Zoomed in a little more …

January 19, 2021

We left Crescent Falls and headed towards Abraham Lake.

Abraham Lake, and Mt. Michener again … this time from the Windy Point pull-off/viewpoint …

January 19, 2021

It was too windy out at Abraham for our picnic lunch, so headed back towards home. And we found a reasonably sheltered picnic site just west of Nordegg.

And this stinkin’ cute Gray Jay (Whisky Jack, Camp Robber) was hanging out… robbing us of our chips! 😂

January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021