Caroline Bighorn Rodeo Parade May 2018

The Nogoodnik Gang showed up at the Caroline Bighorn Rodeo Parade in May 2018, and they were up to no good!!!

Sheriff Johnston (left) & the Nogoodnik Gang (right, top to bottom: Niknik, Boznik, Notsosmartnik)
Sheriff Johnston, Boznik Nogoodnik, Notsosmartnik Nogoodnik, Niknik Nogoodnik
Mayor Rimmer

Rumor has it that the Nogoodnik Gang is hanging around Caroline again… just in time for this year’s Parade!!

  • Creative Director: Russell Thornberry
  • Sheriff Johnston: Brian
  • The Nogoodnik Gang:
    • Notsosmartnik: Don Bouvette
    • Niknik: Brian Charles
    • Boznik: Kelly Journold
  • Mayor Rimmer: Mayor John Rimmer