Limestone Mountain

Alpine Wildflowers up on Limestone Mountain

From July 2018

And we saw this mama and her babies (yearlings) along The Trunk Road, while driving out from Limestone —- it was pretty exciting to see them!!

From July 2018

Caroline Bighorn Rodeo Parade May 2018

The Nogoodnik Gang showed up at the Caroline Bighorn Rodeo Parade in May 2018, and they were up to no good!!!

Sheriff Johnston (left) & the Nogoodnik Gang (right, top to bottom: Niknik, Boznik, Notsosmartnik)
Sheriff Johnston, Boznik Nogoodnik, Notsosmartnik Nogoodnik, Niknik Nogoodnik
Mayor Rimmer

Rumor has it that the Nogoodnik Gang is hanging around Caroline again… just in time for this year’s Parade!!

  • Creative Director: Russell Thornberry
  • Sheriff Johnston: Brian
  • The Nogoodnik Gang:
    • Notsosmartnik: Don Bouvette
    • Niknik: Brian Charles
    • Boznik: Kelly Journold
  • Mayor Rimmer: Mayor John Rimmer