Christmas at Redtail Rise

We celebrated “Our Christmas” a wee bit early — we had almost everyone there, plus Mom & Dad came too! A grand time was had by all!!

“Our Christmas Eve” was Saturday, December 21st… Fondue and Chocolate Fondue for Supper!!!

“Our Christmas Day” was Sunday, 22nd … big Breakfast with cinnamon buns, a Wiener Roast for Lunch, and a big Turkey Supper!!

There was a wee bit of new snow first thing in the morning on the 22nd, then the sun came out! …

December 22, 2019

Billi, Bailey and Brooke …

December 22, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

Dad… complete in his Night Cap! …

December 22, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!


December 22, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

Brian and Dad …

December 22, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

The 23rd was a quiet day, and one for bundling up and enjoying the view outside!

Mom, in her new favorite spot! …

December 23, 2019
One of Dad’s pics!

Our Tree …

December 23, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

Mom got in lots of dog snuggles! Aengus loves laying on the legs of whoever sits here – I think it’s his favorite spot too! 😃 …

December 23, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

Brian & I went out and ran the dogs and fed the ponies, Mom watched from her favorite spot! …

December 23, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

Christmas Eve (December 24th) – the table is all ready for our Lobster Supper!!

December 24, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!

On Christmas Day, we headed out again on the snowmobile! And Mom came along too!

Me …

December 25, 2019

Brian, Aengus and Mom …

December 25, 2019

Mom, Me and Aengus …

December 25, 2019

Mom, Sundance and Me …

December 25, 2019

Mom, Katie and Me. We even got Katie to sorta look at the camera!! 😃 …

December 25, 2019

The Stockings were hung …

December 25, 2019
One of Mom’s pics!