Everything’s Taking Off!

With some warmth and a bit of rain, everything in the woods and gardens started to take off in late May!

In the Woods

The Wild Clematis started to open (left), and the male & female catkins are on the Green Alders (right):

May 24, 2019

One variety of Wild Mushroom is growing:

May 26, 2019

And, the Bam (Balsam Poplar) leaves are at all stages of coming out!

May 26, 2019

In the Yard

The trees are blossoming! In the first picture is Forsythia (left), Mayday (top right) and Lilac (bottom right):

May 26, 2019

Here’s our White-Flowering Plum (left) and Pink-Flowering Plum (right):

May 26, 2019

And, flowers are coming in the gardens too! The one on the left, I’m not sure what it’s called. 😕 In the center is Forget-Me-Nots, and on the right is a Viola:

May 26, 2019