Filthy Badger!!

Brian spotted this badger from about 300 yards away while we were out running the dogs. We hung on to the dogs, and got closer, to about 150 yds from him. It took 2 shots, but Brian got him!! One less vermin to dig HUGE holes in the pastures! The badger holes are terribly treacherous for horses and cows. And the badger eats lots of gophers, which is helpful, but… if the gophers get too depleted, then the raptors (eagles, hawks & falcons) won’t have the gophers to eat and then they won’t come around.


Brian estimated him to be about 30 lbs …


And, he became immortalized on one of our Beers!

What did we do with him? We’ve taken him to a taxidermy friend who is going to mount him for us. At the moment, the hide is still at the tanner’s (apparently, they are quite oily, so need a partial tanning before they can be mounted). So, stay tuned… once he’s mounted, we’ll post some more photos! We’re looking forward to being up-close-and-personal with him without the risk of those teeth and claws!!