Friday, February 21st – Out to Gruene

What a lovely day! The sun was shining all day and we had a beautiful drive on the backroads out to Gruene (pronounced Green)!

Gruene is such a fun little town! It is now apart of New Braunfels, but originally it was the home of the Gruene family who came to the area in the mid-1800’s. The Gruenes turned it into a cotton-producing community, with homes, a mercantile store, a dance hall and cotton gin powered by the Guadalupe River. The 1920’s and 30’s were tough on Gruene, and by 1950 it was a Ghost Town.

Through the 1970’s to 1990’s, the buildings were restored and the area was revitalized. It is now a fun, historical town!

The original cotton gin burned in the early 1920’s; what was left of the building has been restored and is now the Gristmill Restaurant and that’s where we had lunch!

February 21, 2020
February 21, 2020

We sat in the enclosed area on the right side of the photo. The tables on the left, along the railing, overlook the Guadalupe River.

February 21, 2020

Enjoying beer! …

February 21, 2020
Mom and Brian

Enjoying Sangria! Well, I am! …

February 21, 2020
Me and Dad

This Texas Mountain Laurel has lovely lilac coloured blossoms. We have found it in several places now, and it is just past it’s prime blooming …

February 21, 2020

Here is the outdoor stage and seating at the Gristmill…

February 21, 2020

Gruene is home to one of the oldest dance halls in Texas. The Gruene Hall is one huge dance hall! 6,000 sq. ft.!! And, it can be made open-air! We weren’t able to stay for the evening’s entertainment, but did hear the band warming up!

February 21, 2020

After Vietnamese Supper with Mom & Dad, Bruce, Connor & Jasmine, Brian and I uber’ed down to The Continental Club to listen to live blues! We listened to Carolyn Wonderland, and she was GREAT!!!!