Friday, February 28th – Up to Waco

We went up to Waco to have lunch and a visit with a high school friend of Dad’s… they haven’t seen each other since 1959, but have kept in touch all these years!

We aimed for lunch at Magnolia Table… we arrived at 11:30 am and there was a 2 hour wait for a table, so … we went to the BBQ place next door!

After lunch we went out to Magnolia Market Silos (The Silos) and wandered through their Market.

They had a 1951 Willys at The Silos …. Brian had one for a while 40 years ago, in Edmonton.

February 28, 2020

The Silos themselves are not yet renovated, but plans are in the works. Here, Mom & Dad and Brian are sitting in The Garden, by one of the silos…

February 28, 2020