Harley Rides Out West

We went on several rides out west on David Thompson Highway (Hwy 11), and snapped a few shots on a couple of the rides. We had beautiful days to ride on both of these days!

September 4th

On September 4th, we went all the way up to the Columbia Icefields. And we stopped for a bite of lunch in a picnic area along the North Saskatchewan River …

September 4, 2020

Looking back east from our lunch spot …

September 4, 2020

We stopped at the overlook just above where the N. Sask. River comes out of the valley and joins the highway. It wasn’t packed with people and cars, and we could get a spot to stop! …

September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020
September 4, 2020

October 2nd

On October 2nd, we went as far as the Banff Park Gates, then turned around. We stopped at Windy Point Overlook on the way up.

Abraham Lake, looking west towards Mount Michener …

October 2, 2020

A panoramic shot looking south… east on the left, west on the right …

October 2, 2020