Limp Mint Mead

Crafted May 4th, Racked June 3rd, Filtered & Bottled July 31st

Our first batch of ‘Fermented Drinkage’! We chose to make Mead, fermented with mint. I found some gorgeous fresh mint, put it in the fridge and… oh my gosh… it limped out on us!

May 4, 2019

And, thus a name was born!! 😃

We grabbed some local honey…

May 4, 2019

We mixed up the Must (using a recipe we found online), parked it in the basement, and took the first Specific Gravity reading…

May 4, 2019

Fermenting away…

May 8, 2019

Racked for aging and clearing… with “Skinny” guarding it! 😂

June 3, 2019

Filtered nectar!

July 31, 2019

Ready for bottling…

July 31, 2019

Clear, beautiful Mead!

July 31, 2019

30 x 750 ml bottles!

July 31, 2019

And, there’s even some left in mid-September!!

September 13, 2019

And the final result???? Absolutely fabulous!! About 12.8% ABV, wonderful mead taste; Brian loves it straight, on the rocks; I love it as a Meadjito — more mint, lime juice and soda water added in!!

August 21, 2019