March Merry Making – Part 1

Once we got home from Austin, it was time to bottle the white and red wines we started in January.

First up, the white… here, Brian is bottling, after we re-racked and filtered it …

March 9, 2020

And the name of this fine creation? … Snow Eater Gerwurztraminer!! Do you remember how to pronounce it??? Guh-voorts-truh-meener!! After two months I finally have it in my head! 🙂 And, where does “snow eater” come from???? Chinook means “snow eater”, so now you know our weather while we were making this wine!

March 10, 2020

What we didn’t realize until we were racking the gerwurztraminer into secondary… it won’t be ready until late June!! It needs to age a bit more (this is the first kit that we’ve had to age in the bottle). So … we haven’t had a proper taste test yet!!

Then it was on to the red … this is Pomegranate Wildberry Wave – our Sangria. Here, Brian is filtering it.

March 9, 2020

And the name for this one??? Texas Sangria!! It spent most of it’s crafting time all alone while we were cavorting around Texas!

March 10, 2020

We had a partial bottle so infused it with a lime, a small orange (a California mandarin) and 1/2 a lemon.

March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020

And here’s the whole works … 23 x 1 L Mason Jars (~ 31 x 750 ml bottles) of Snow Eater Gerwurztraminer; and ~ 24 x 1 L Mason Jars (~ 32 x 750 ml bottles) of Texas Sangria.

March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020

And the results? Wow! What a wonderful Sangria!!!! After two hours of infusing the fruit we removed it … the Sangria was plenty infused!! After a couple days in the fridge, it tasted a bit bitter, so we’ve decided we’ll add the fruit as we serve it!

March 10, 2020