May Merry Making – Part 1

We’re half-way through May and making progress on our “Merry Making”!

We started the Cabernet Sauvignon in April. Here, Brian’s racking it into a carboy …

May 4, 2020

We added the stabilizing and clearing agents to it, and then moved the carboy to the basement for 3 weeks, where it joined the pinot grig …

May 6, 2020

Next up … Sangiovese! Here, Brian’s making the must …

May 4, 2020

Fermenting in the office! …

May 12, 2020

The Pinot Grigio is ready to bottle!!! Brian is re-racking …

May 11, 2020

Then we filtered it; and bottled …

May 11, 2020

All bottled up, and it gets a name!!

May 11-12, 2020

Charlie’s Pinot Grigio!! Named for our newest family member, Billi & Jay’s Charlie Joy, who joined our world on April 17th

May 12, 2020

We got the equivalent of 30 x 750 ml bottles! And moved them downstairs with the rest of our creations …

May 12, 2020

And the taste? Stay tuned for “Taste Testing Thursday”!!