Monday, February 24th – Out to Fredericksburg

In the morning Brian & I joined Bruce & Renee at his local Gun Range. We had great fun trying some of Bruce’s and some of the Range’s hand guns! I would say the Brian had a BLAST!!

Then we collected Mom & Dad and we were off to Fredericksburg. Fredericksburg is about an hour and a half drive west of Austin, and was founded in the mid-1840’s by German settlers (many towns north and northeast of San Antonio have German names!)

We took the back roads… hardly any traffic, lots of windy roads, fabulous drive!! It would be a blast on the Harley!! We crossed several dry creeks (they only flow during the rains); then crossed Flat Creek where it always flows, and it flows over the road!

February 24, 2020
February 24, 2020

There are many, many wineries near Fredericksburg, some vineyards, breweries and a few distilleries. We stopped at Becker Vineyard on the east side of Fredericksburg…

February 24, 2020

Then it was in to Fredericksburg, to Main Steet, in the Historic District… lots of interesting shops, restaurants and bars!

February 24, 2020

Here’s a close-up of the blooms in that palm tree behind Brian …

February 24, 2020

A Horse Bench, perfect for Mom & Dad to rest on while we were checking out the stores!

February 24, 2020
Photo courtesy Renee