Monday, January 21st – Austria

We left Ruhpolding about 10:30 am, with a gift of a bottle of Glühwein from our Hostess; and armed with our mandatory-for-Austria Yellow Vests (for safety, already in the trunk of our SUV) and mandatory-for-Austria “Vignette” (a sticker we had to buy for the car, €9 for 10 days, to pay for Austrian roads). Off we went to Salzburg!!

On a side note…driving has gone fairly well here, we have Google Maps and the SUV has navigation… between the two navigational systems and road signs, we seem to figure it out.

The center of Salzburg is absolutely beautiful!! I wish we had had sun, rather than overcast, but it was wonderful to be warm enough for our lighter coats (sweaters).

In the first pic, Brian is on a pedestrian bridge with the Old City of Salzburg behind him, including the Hohensalzburg Fortress (“High Salzburg Fortress”).  It’s one of the largest medieval castles in Europe, construction began in 1077!

The next two pics are of streets in the Aldstadt (“Old City”) … lots of shops and more shops and restaurants.

Salzburg Cathedral

The current Salzburg Cathedral is a 17th Century Baroque Cathedral (it was founded in 774, rebuilt in 1181 after a fire, then rebuilt again in the 17C in the Baroque style).  We didn’t get a good photo of the outside, but here are a few from the inside…

Salzburg: St Peter’s Cemetery Near Cathedral

Close to the Cathedral was a little cemetery…  up in the cliff is what we think is an entrance to the Fortress; the second pic is a close-up…

Austrian Alps

We had a beautiful drive from Salzburg to South Tyrol in Italy.  Here are some pics in Austria from the drive…

Hohenwerfen Castle Overlooking Werfen
Near Leoben
Near Steinfeld
Near Nikolsdorf

We arrived and settled into our apartment in Italy! We had a lovely drive… really amazing roads/tunnels; part autobahn, part smaller highway.

But…. we had a bit of an adventure upon arrival, all turned out just fine, not to worry!  Two addresses on hotel voucher, one address on itinerary, none the same! 😬 Our Host had to leave before we arrived for a dental emergency, but we were able to find the apartment with a few e-mails with him.  We got into our apartment, then headed out to get more of our bags from the suv. We left the front door unlocked, and left the apartment key in the room… UH-OH… the front door had a secret self-lock… oh, caa-caa, both apartment keys are IN the room, and so is my cell!!! Eeks! Fortunately, we had B’s cell in the suv and we had the keys to the suv! We went next door for supper, emailed our Host…his father met us and let us back in! And, he bought us wine for OUR mistake!!! 🍷🍷 We figured we should make another mistake the next day!!!😆

We decided to be out-and-about the next day, exploring our area… and figuring out EXACTLY where we were! 😂