More Birds!

The birds have continued to enjoy our feeders in the pine tree outside the Kitchen window!

Here’s a male White-Breasted Nuthatch…

May 23, 2020

And a male Hairy Woodpecker, hangin’ around on the tree, deciding between the seeds and the suet! …

May 23, 2020

And this little one… I’m sure they’ve been around before, and we’ve had lots feeding here this Spring, but we never knew what kind they were. This is a female Pine Siskin! …

May 23, 2020

Here’s a male Downy Woodpecker! The main difference between the Downy Woodpecker and the Hairy Woodpecker is size… the Downy is quite a bit smaller.

May 23, 2020

And, a brand new bird for Redtail Rise!! Brian and I had never seen this little guy before! We’re just a wee bit north of his range, and he only visited twice. I was lucky to get a few photos on his second visit! This is a male Lazuli Bunting! …

May 23, 2020

Share-zies!! In the left photo a male Hairy Woodpecker and a male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak; in the right photo, a female Pine Siskin and a male Lazuli Bunting …

May 23, 2020

And in this collage… on the left this male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak was outside the Living Room bay window! And on the right, he’s in the pine tree outside the Kitchen window.

May 23, 2020