October Merry Making

After a couple month break, we started up our Merry Making again in the middle of October – three kits, different brands/styles from what we’ve done before.

A new port kit (left) – hoping to get a bit closer to commercial ports; a new red wine kit (center) – a montepulciano, with 100% un-concentrated grape juice; and a brown ale kit (right) – a Winter beer for Brian …

October 14, 2020

Adding yeast to the port …

October 14, 2020

Mixing up the wort …

October 14, 2020

After a couple days, the brown ale wort was racked into a carboy for secondary fermentation …

October 16, 2020

Then the port was racked into a carboy for secondary fermentation …

October 19, 2020

At the end of the month, the port was ready for stabilizing and clearing. It was re-racked into a carboy …

October 29, 2020

The montepulciano was also ready for stabilizing and clearing …

October 29, 2020

Then the port and the wine went downstairs for 3 weeks until they finished this latest process!

The brown ale was ready for priming (for carbonating in the bottle) and bottling …

October 29, 2020

And the brown ale gets a name… Dirty Dog Brown Ale!! 😂 …

November 1, 2020

And where did this name come from? Have a boo back at our post from May 2nd “Katie & The Mud Hole” (under RTR)!