“Our” Baldy is Released (Wed, May 5th)

Carol from Medicine River Wildlife Centre called us — “our” baldy was flying back and forth in their aviary, had put on several pounds and was ready to be released! YAY!! And, she wanted to release him at our place! How lucky are we??!!

“Ok, I’ll come out!”

May 5, 2021

“Nope, NOT ready!”

May 5, 2021

After he made several attempts to leave his crate, Carol encouraged him! …

May 5, 2021

“And, I’m… out!”

May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021

“I’ll even take a step!”

May 5, 2021

“But only this far!”

May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021

“Ok Carol, I’m goin’!”

May 5, 2021

“But only a few feet!”

May 5, 2021

“Ok! How ’bout … this far?”

May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021

“I’ll go some more!”

May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021

“Far enough!”

May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021

“Off to the north pasture I go!”

May 5, 2021

And… He’s Re-Rescued (Thu, May 6th)

We thought “our” baldy was off & on his own because we didn’t see him later Wednesday afternoon while we were running the dogs.

Wednesday evening, Billi saw him on the ground north of our place ~ 1 km (just a wee bit north and west of where we found him).

And, about noon on Thursday, Carol called us — they had a call about him and sure enough he was still on the ground about where Billi had seen him. We went to check on him so we could report back to Carol. He didn’t want to fly hardly at all.

May 6, 2021

And little Miss Charlie got to join us out to check on him!

May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021

Medicine River Wildlife Centre volunteers were back out to pick him up on Thursday afternoon.

And, about supper time Carol let us know that he’s back on treatment and had eaten a slab of salmon!

Update from Carol Tuesday mid-day (May 11th): “He’s finally picked up and gaining weight again. I believe he has an infection that we got under control but not 100% and it began to come back. He’s on two antibiotics now and improving.”

Update: “Our Baldy” was released back into the wild on July 8th. Although we were invited, we were not able to be at Medicine River Wildlife Centre for his release. However, the big female hanging around Redtail Rise had a partner to fly with shortly after “Our Baldy” was released. We like to think he made it back to his mate, and back “home”!