Our Christmas Tree 2020

This year we were lucky to get just the perfect tree!!!

We had to make room! We moved a few things (like the Birch Tree going to the Office) and got the floor ready!

December 14, 2020

And we created a path through the living room! …

December 14, 2020

The tree’s up! 16 feet of balsam fir … wired to the beams and towels to catch the drips! And this year it didn’t get jammed into the front entry way of the house!! 😂

December 14, 2020
December 14, 2020

All decorated! …

December 16, 2020

And The Polar Express and Village is underneath! …

December 16, 2020

From the loft! …

December 16, 2020

One Reply to “Our Christmas Tree 2020”

  1. Nice work, Kari! Have been poking around and looking… have been meaning to put together something like this (your website) for awhile… but probably never will because because i know how much work it is! Happy New Year to you and Brian

    Much Love,

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