Prairie Falcon

Last month we saw this bird flying around our pasture, and into our neighbour’s pasture. At first Brian thought is was a type of hawk; then he realized it was a falcon. I did a little lookin’ around on the internet… it’s an Immature Prairie Falcon. Neither of us had seen one here before!

I was happy I had the big camera with the zoom lens with us!! And I was pleasantly surprised I was able to get as many good photos as I did… he was a FAST flyer!!


Even though we were a fair distance away (about 100 yds or so in this photo), he seemed to be keeping an eye on us!


Taking off! …


He touched down a bit further away (about 200 yds), and was content to sit there for a few minutes. But he still seemed to be watching us! 😆


And, now he’s going to keep an eye out from every bottle of our newest port! 🤣 …
