Rainy Day Cabernet Sauvignon

Crafted June 8th, Racked June 21st, Filtered & Bottled July 31st

Next we made our first wine… from a kit… a cabernet sauvignon. And, as June and July were, it rained the days we crafted, racked AND bottled!!! And thus, another name was born!! πŸ˜†

The Must, complete with grape skins & oak chips, fermenting away…

June 11, 2019

A beautiful Cabernet Sauvignon!

July 31, 2019


July 31, 2019

And labelled…

July 31, 2019

And stored in the basement!

September 13, 2019

And the final result? As Barb & Gregor say, “it’s not plonk!”

12.7% ABV, 21 L; and in a blind taste test, it was equal or better than the cab sauv we usually buy! It’s a “Do-Again”!!!! 🍷🍷