Remembering August – Part 1

Fall is well underway, and we’ve now had our first snowfall, so it’s time to look at… Summer photos!! 😃

One of the fun benefits of taking photos of the wild flowers over the last couple of years is that I am learning the names of our wild flowers; well, most of them anyways! 😆

Wild Yarrow:

August 8, 2019

The Showy Wood-Asters (Purple Asters) were incredible this year… plentiful and vibrant and beautiful and long-lasting!!

August 8, 2019
August 8, 2019
August 8, 2019
August 8, 2019

Hairy Hedge-Nettle:

August 8, 2019

Wow, the mushrooms this year!! They were incredible – the shear numbers of them and the number of varieties! It must have been perfect growing conditions for them this Summer. I’m not sure the names of any of them, but I’m assuming they are all poisonous! 😬

August 8, 2019

And this little one, I STILL haven’t figured out this one’s name… maybe next year!

August 8, 2019

And, a pencil-line red-trimmed yellow lily from the garden!

August 8, 2019

Storm’s a-brewin’!

August 8, 2019