Remembering June

Wow, 4 months ago! It was a month of flowering, greening, leafing out, sun and rain!

Aengus and especially Katie love to swim in the pond! …

June 1, 2020

Wild clematis …

June 1 & 6, 2020

Thunderstorm! Looking NW …

June 6, 2020

Looking W …

June 6, 2020

Trees and shrubs in bloom! May Day …

June 6, 2020

White Flowering Plum …

June 6, 2020

Pink Flowering Plum …

June 6, 2020

Apple Trees …

June 6, 2020

Looking for birds … or maybe mice! 😆

June 6, 2020

Wild flowers in bloom … top, left to right: arnica, tall bluebells, wild strawberry; bottom – hum… I’m not sure of the names of these two! …

June 6 & 13, 2020

And a wild shrub – not sure what this one is either …

June 8, 2020

Gold Finch in the feeder …

June 12, 2020

Birds in the woods and pasture … top: mallards; bottom right: sandpiper, and I’m not sure what this little ducking is on the bottom left …

June 6 & 18, 2020

Katie will go into any body of water she can find! She loves to swim, and is just wishing she could in this puddle! And… doggies in the kitchen! …

June 14 & 15, 2020

Irises …

June 19 & 22, 2020

Some lilacs made it into the house …

June 20, 2020