Saturday, February 29th – Let’s Go To Luckenbach, Texas!

Just not with Waylon and Willie and the boys!! 🙂

Mom and Brian & I headed west to Luckenbach (Dad stayed home for a quiet and restful afternoon). They had an acoustic jam in the afternoon.

The old Post Office/General Store is still there… it’s no longer a Post Office, but it is still a store – the front part and rafters is more museum, with items that had been sold in the distant past, and the rest of the store sells “Luckenbach merchandise”.

The old Dance Hall is still there too! Build in the 1880’s and still being used! There was a concert Saturday night, but it was sold out.

The afternoon jam was out back of the store, under Live Oaks … beer, burgers, dogs, fries and HUGE sour pickles! …

February 29, 2020
February 29, 2020

Over by the creek were some more big ol’ Live Oaks …

February 29, 2020