Saturday, October 12th – A Drive to Glacier

Saturday was another glorious day, cool but gorgeous!! We drove out to Glacier and stopped at the SW end of McDonald Lake. These first few photos are looking SW down Lake McDonald from Fish Creek Campground:


We had a picnic lunch, including a wee bit of the red stuff! šŸ·šŸ·

Brian, Len & Trudy

This photo is looking NE up Lake McDonald towards Glacier’s peaks:

Then we went over to McDonald Creek, near where it comes out of the Lake and near Apgar Village:

We took Camas Road to the north, to where it joined N Fork Road at the North Fork Flathead River:

Looking back to the east at the peaks in Glacier

Checkin’ for fish in the North Fork!

From here, we went south along the North Fork, and into the north side of Columbia Falls!