Sunday, January 20th – Men’s Mass Start

OMG, what an exciting race!!!!!!!! Christian did so well!!! He was always in the mix… his skiing…. man, he stayed right there with all the big names!!! And his shooting… awesome!!… 19/20! And finishing with a Personal Best of 11th place, only 34 sec behind the Winner (the race was 15 km long, and the Winner finished in 36:44 (min:sec).

We saw Christian in his warm-up and he waved to us as he went by, and Scott stopped on his way up to where he wanted/needed to be. After the race, Scott came down to where we were and Christian came by during his cool-down… we had a wonderful chat and a few pics.

We didn’t hear a count for the number of people, but we think at least 25,000, maybe more. We watched from the Course again… back in the same spot as on Saturday, and in the sun!

We did not stay for the Women’s Mass Start; with no Canadians in it, we decided to miss the mass exodus (and I mean MASSIVE exodus), and came back to town early. We had a rest, then went to a nearby town called Inzell for an early supper.

Here are some pics from today… Scott, before the race started, all of us together after the race and one of Brian on our walk back from the shuttle.

Sharing one of Christian’s photos, with Emma, from after today’s race.

Photo Courtesy of Christian