Tuesday, February 25th – Largemouth Bass Fishing

Brian & I were up at the crack of dawn.. okay… well, way before the crack of dawn, to go Largemouth Bass Fishing. Brian found our Guide online.

We were out the door at 5:45 am, 50F, a slight breeze. We were off on our fishing boat at 6:30 am on Lake Walter E. Long (Decker Lake) which is on the east side of Austin. It was way windier than in town and it was a north wind, so quite cold (for Texas … and for me!)

First fish of the day … 2 lbs, 11 oz; caught before 7:30 am!!

February 25, 2020

We started in the northeast part of the lake …

February 25, 2020
February 25, 2020
February 25, 2020

There were many different birds out this morning … coots (they nest at home in June), seagulls, vultures, osprey, cardinals, hawks, blue heron, several species we didn’t know, and also this cormorant …

February 25, 2020
February 25, 2020

We changed to the northwest part of the lake, into a channel to the power plant at this lake.

Largest fish of the day … 3 lbs, 12 oz !!

February 25, 2020

My turn!! 2 lbs, 13 oz …

February 25, 2020

All-in-all, Brian caught six more smaller ones that he threw in without us taking a photo, our guide caught several, and I caught the one. Okay… I caught many reeds too! 🙂 And no, we didn’t keep any – it was all catch and release.