Tuesday, January 15th – Ruhpolding

The Men’s Sprint was postponed from Wednesday to Thursday. We heard that the German Government had declared a state of emergency in the region – we were safe ‘n’ sound, and Ruhpolding was just fine. But, sadly, the Opening Ceremonies Tuesday night had to be cancelled.

We had lunch with Scott and Christian (Emma was training at the time) …

Christian & Scott

Here’s our apartment, and Brian standing by our SUV… it’s a Kia… we wanted a BMW, but they wouldn’t rent us one cuz we were going to Italy… guess the BMW is highly sought after by Italian thieves! Our apartment is third floor, left side of the balcony.

The Hotel Post in the afternoon, and supper there in the evening. Brian had traditional Wiener Schnitzel and I had thin-sliced roast beef salad sort of thing… both were excellent! And, my favorite way to eat beef… rare, thin-sliced, cold, and with a great dressing! And fried potatoes too! So far, hadn’t seen too much “green” on the plates! They definitely like meat and potatoes!!!!!

Glühwein: And, a shot of amaretto with it this evening… be still my heart!