Tuesday, July 2nd – Calgary to Minot, ND (1110 km / 690 mi)

We left Susan’s at 5:00 am, just as the rain stopped in Calgary. We drove with cloudy skies until Brooks, so no sun in the eyes with the sunrise!

Sadly, my cell didn’t do a very good job taking photos today! But, sharing what I did get….

Good-bye Alberta:

Between Irvine and Walsh, Alberta

Helloooooo Saskatchewan!

On the Saskatchewan side of the AB-SK Border

Western Saskatchewan Sky:

Susan: “Look! Is that an emu?” Brian: “That’s a llama!” Susan: “Is there much difference?” Brian: “One a bird, the other’s an animal!” One of many, many laughs along the road! Susan figures Brian will never let her forget it! Seems to me we saw lots of “emus” along the road!

Salt Flats Near Chaplin, SK:

We stopped in Moose Jaw – to find the moose!! And to have lunch! 🙂 Found the moose, and a Tudor Fighter Jet (like the Snowbirds’ planes):

At the Visitors’ Center, Brian asked “Is there a Gluten Free restaurant in town for my wives?” 🙂 Without a blink the young woman said there were several restaurants with GF options; the older woman behind her was having a good giggle!

We got through the Border without too much trouble… a few more questions than we usually get… musta bin that U-Haul! 🙂

The drive from the Border down to Minot was beautiful – through a lush river valley (the Des Lacs River). We arrived in Minot at 6:30 pm CDT… a long first day, but it went quickly – at least for Susan and me! Brian did all the driving and Susan & I chatted, so maybe not so quick for him!