Wednesday, January 23rd – Bozen & Bruneck


Wednesday was overcast in Oberolang, and snowing lightly in the morning, so we decided to go for a drive.  We drove down through the Dolomite Mountains, starting at ~ 3770 ft (~ 1150 m), to Bozen at ~ 850 ft (~ 260 m) —- quite a climate change! Once we got to about 2000 ft, we started seeing vineyards, on very steep slopes, and lots of them!!

Brian found the drive “intense”… “white knuckle”.  The roads were either 2-lane, narrow and winding Secondary Highways, or “drive like a bat out of hell” 4-lane Autobahn with a bazillion large trucks in the right lane (thankfully, they have to stay there). It takes both of us to get anywhere!  But… all is good!!

We went into the medieval city center of Bozen, had some lunch in the Piazza, then wandered through the old streets…. it was all shops, mostly fashion, and very expensive. But, absolutely beautiful!! Very cool buildings and streets! And part was a food market as well.

Here are some pics in the Piazza…

Here are some pics of the old streets…

When we came to the edge of the Aldstadt (“Old City”), we came to a river (I think it’s the Talavera River), with a park along it…


On the way back to Oberolang, we stopped in the town of Bruneck. As the crow flies, our apartment was just across the hill from Bruneck… the ski area was on our side and on Bruneck’s side. It’s about a 20 min drive to go around.

It’s also an old city, lots of great old buildings!

Supper with Scott & Christian & Emma

The Canadian Team stayed about a 10 min drive north from us…. they were on the road that goes up to the Biathlon Center, close to a village called Antholz Niedertal.

We didn’t get a great photo at supper, here’s the best we did get.

After supper, Emma worked with Pavel (their Shooting Coach) and with their Shooting Program (a computer-based laser, indoor shooting system), and we got to go in for a minute.