It was another beautiful day! We left at a very reasonable 8 am! Before leaving ND, we went by The Geographical Center of North America!
We crossed the Red River… Good-Bye North Dakota, Hello Minnesota!
We made a very worthwhile “detour” off of US 2, down to the headwaters of the Mississippi River!
Lake Itasca, Headwaters of the Mississippi:
Lots of the plants (flowers, trees, shrubs and weeds 🙂 ) were the same as at home:
We arrived in Duluth about 6:30. What a beautiful little city!!!! We had supper in, then wandered around, the Downtown Waterfront Area:
We Ubered for the first time – Wow! Does that ever work well!!!!!! Doubt it would work in Caroline, though! 🙂
The entire drive was very scenic! It’s green and lush looking, crops look terrific – they’ve definitely had some rains this Spring!